AM/CAN Ch. Zesta Earth Shattering

AM/CAN Ch. Grandgables Let's Show
Off ROMC x Ch. Zesta Snoops ROMC
March 18, 2007 - December 20 2020
Quake was not known as a "showdog" in the dog show ring per say. He made you work for those ears but could move around that ring all the dam day with ease, style and grace.
He was much more than a showdog and he knew it!! He was the resident knock your coffee right out of your hand with his nose guy, he needed pets before you needed your coffee!! He was the keep your spot warm on the couch kind of guy!! He was the ahem I'm still outside and maybe missing out on something kind of boy!! He loved car rides and loved going anywhere with his people, even if we were headed to a dog show he wanted in.
Most importantly Quake had captured Laura Thompson's heart. For the last 13 years Quake has greeted her when she arrived home and been the fur that caught her tears. He was one of a kind abs will be sorely missed. Thankfully we see so many of his virtues and antics passed onto his kids, grandkids and great grand kids.
March 18 2007 - December 20 2020 strut your stuff ole boy
OFA - Good CERF - Normal
View pedigree at Sheltie Pedigrees Online and
search on Zesta

Pictured at the age of 9 years old going Award Of Merit at the CSSA Reggional under Breeder Judge Lisa Graser of Blue Heaven Shelties

CSSA 2010 National -Best of Opposite

headed south in January and has his 1st American points and a major to boot,
Yeah! under respected Sheltie Breeder judge Randall Sheets. Thanks Trace for
the super presentation, as always!

Thanks to
Edmilson Reis for these great photos of Quake!

Thanks to Jessica Starbuck for the
fantastic photos of Quake!
Our exciting baby boy is growing up and is producing some lovely pups, watch for them.
Watch for
these exciting kids:
View pedigree at Sheltie Pedigrees Online and
search on Zesta
show record
4 Best of
1 Group 1st
1 Group 2nd
1 Group 3rd
1 Group 4th
Best of
Opposite Sex - CSSA 2010 National
Award of
Merit - 2012 Shetland Sheepdog Fanciers Specialty
Quake makes his debut at the American National
08 and
places 2nd in a large entry.

pictured above at 13 months
Quake is our exciting son of the ASSA- National Winners Dog - Dallas bred to our fantastic moving and
conniving little girl Snoops. Quake made October 07 his month. Started out
with winning his junior puppy class at the Working/Herding Specialty and
finishes the month at Lower Mainland (largest show in Canada) a new champion at 7 months by winning the
breed from the classes to finish with a Group 4thandpuppy group win.
Yeah! Quake, Jenn and Tracy.
